id: 20160
Назва: Nontraditional feed additives in pigs feeding
Автори: Shevchuk T. V.
Ключові слова: feeding of farm animals, pig breeding, production efficiency, protein-vitamin-mineral supplement, non-traditional feed factors, composting with worms
Дата публікації: 2019-04-18 10:51:37
Останні зміни: 2019-04-18 10:51:37
Рік видання: 2019
Аннотація: The article reveals the problem of providing pigs with the main nutrient and biologically active elements of nutrition with the help of protein-vitamin-mineral additives of the new generation. The aim of the research was to investigate the efficiency of using non-traditional protein-vitamin-mineral supplements based on composting with worms in pigs. In agricultural production, along with the humus, there are broad opportunities for the use of worm biomass. One ton of organic waste when processed by worms gives in addition to 600 kg of humus fertilizer up to 100 kg of worm’s biomass. The body of worms contains amino acids, including irreplaceable ones. The composition of biomass includes numerous enzymes, vitamins, and trace elements. Dry matter of composting with worms tissue is 17-23%, including crude protein up to 60%, lipids 6-9%, and nitrogenous extracts from 7 to 16%. One hectare of land, inhabited by worms, annually yields 40 thousand kg of protein flour at a cost of 0,01 Euro per 1 kg. Worms can be successfully fed to pigs, poultry, pond fish, fattening bulls. To prepare the feed flour from rain worms are separated from the substrate, washed, dried and crushed. Such flour by the amino acid composition approaches the meat flour, surpassing it in the content of all essential amino acids. In Ukraine, the Institute of Animal Husbandry of UAAS and the Limited Liability Company "Agrofirm" Hermes "have been conducting in 2001 research on feeding pigs of various technological groups of biologically active additives. This is an environmentally friendly product for the processing of cattle manure by the culture of a red Californian worm into a compost, followed by hydrolysis of the latter into a liquid extract of "Gumysol T". Modifications to the drug, which have been infused with biologically active compounds, have been developed. With the help of composting with worms food industry waste - apple excrement you can get nutritious and environmentally friendly forage flour. It can be used to balance rations of pigs and poultry. The authors of the project prove the effectiveness of such a feed. Essentially new insulates and extracts from natural non-traditional sources (sapropel, compost, by-products of composting with worms) are gaining popularity. For example, the feed supplement "Biogel" is a humic extract from sapropel refers to nonspecific stimulating drugs of natural origin. The best source of nutrients and biologically directed substances is humic derivatives. They are widely used for the production of BAMD for pigs. In particular, the drug humate sodium "Freya" is a fine powder of dark brown color, odorless, taste, nonhygroscopic, non-volatile, resistant, non-toxic, non-toxic to animals, has a marked intoxication effect.
Тип виданя: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Видавництво: Slovak international scientific journal. - 2019. - N. 27. - P. 36-41.
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