id: 31077
Назва: Human rights and freedoms in Ukraine.
Автори: Tymoshenko Ye.
Ключові слова: information, information society, information rights.
Дата публікації: 2022-05-27 21:31:13
Останні зміни: 2022-05-27 21:31:13
Рік видання: 2022
Аннотація: he concept of “information society” entered the scientific community not so long ago. It was coined and actively used by economists and marketers, social scientists and philosophers, programmers and politicians. Nowadays
this notion is actively being studied by lawyers, who also form their own understanding of it. This notion is intended to reflect the actual trend of the new stage of civilization evolution associated with the emergence of new
information and telecommunication technologies, new needs and a new way of life. The term “information society” was introduced in the 1920s by the ideologists of post-industrial society D. Bell and J. Masudo, who tried to connect technological aspects with social ones.
Тип виданя: Монографії видані за кордоном
Видавництво: Scientifc monograph. Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing, 2022. Р. 102-128.
Розташовується в колекціях :
Ким внесений: Адміністратор
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