id: 31777
Назва: Increasing the efficiency of the financial profitability of the insurance company (on the example of arks insurance company)
Автори: Fedoryshyna L.
Ключові слова: increasing the efficiency, financial , profitability , insurance company.
Дата публікації: 2022-10-27 21:00:22
Останні зміни: 2022-10-27 21:00:22
Рік видання: 2022
Аннотація: The purpose of the article is to increase the efficiency of financial profitability of insurance activity. In terms of market relations, one of the performance indicators of all organizations is profitability. It becomes the economic development of the organization and the strengthening of the basis of its financial relations with all participants in the processes of entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, the result of the influence of a combination of negative factors is a decrease in the level of financial profitability of enterprises, receiving a loss or even ceasing operations. Achieving a high level of this indicator of improvement of the economic study of the formation of financial results of the organization`s vital activities. Every enterprise strives to improve profitability. The results. The grouping of influencing factors into internal and external ones was carried out and the influence of these factors on the activity of the insurance company was revealed. The activity of the insurance company "ARKS" was considered. The main goal of managing the financial perspective of an insurance organization is to ensure the maximization of the welfare of the owners of the enterprise in the current and current period. This goal is designed to simultaneously harmonize the interests of the owners with the interests of the state and the company`s personnel. Based on the conducted analysis, as well as the general view of various researchers of this issue, in order to increase the efficiency of the financial profitability of PJSC "ARKS Insurance Company" it is also necessary to reduce the level of costs and unprofitability of insurance operations in connection with the expansion of the level of coverage of the insurance field. Value/originality. In orderto achieve the financial stability of insurance companies, the criteria for its provision have been studied in detail. Profitability is one of the most important indicators that reflect the economic state of the enterprise. It supports the purpose of entrepreneurial activity. The main result of the enterprise`s activity is increased with the help of indicators, which are divided into absolute and relative: the absolute indicator is the profit of the enterprise; the relative indicator is the profitability of the enterprise. Profit is the economic difference between total income and expenses for the production and sale of products and services, taking into account losses from various business operations in the reporting periods. Profitability indicators, capable of using the final results of the organization`s activities, help to trace the totality of consumed resources with invested capital.
Тип виданя: Монографії видані за кордоном
Видавництво: Traditional and innovative approaches to scientific research: theory, methodology, practice: Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing, 2022. Р. 641-661.
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