id: 31951
Назва: Selection of adaptive soybean varieties in cultivation technology under conditions of climate change
Автори: Telekalo N.V., Korobko А.А.
Ключові слова: variety, productivity, legumes, stability, adaptability, climate change, inoculation.
Дата публікації: 2022-11-07 21:22:29
Останні зміни: 2022-11-07 21:22:29
Рік видання: 2022
Аннотація: Due to global and rapid changes in climatic conditions for the cultivation of major crops, there
is an urgent need for the selection of adaptive varieties that will not reduce their productivity. In
modern agricultural production, the variety is the biological foundation on which all elements of
cultivation technology are based. If you choose the right variety, it will enhance the effect of otherfactors. Conversely, if the manufacturer makes a mistake with the chosen variety, it will weaken the effect of all other factors. In agricultural production, it is difficult to predict the outcome, because the existing approaches to soybean cultivation are 70% dependent on soil and climatic conditions. To solve this problem, you need to carefully select adaptive varieties of soybeans.
Тип виданя: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Видавництво: Agriculture and forestry. 2022. № 3 (26). P. 125-137.
Розташовується в колекціях :
Ким внесений: Адміністратор
Файл : 31951.pdf Розмір : 1313263 байт Формат : Adobe PDF Доступ : Загально доступний


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