id: 32258
Назва: Formation of marketing product policy of agricultural enterprises
Автори: Lohosha R.V., Trapaidze S.M.
Ключові слова: marketing, marketing product policy, marketing activity, efficiency, management of marketing activity.
Дата публікації: 2022-11-22 12:35:51
Останні зміни: 2022-11-22 12:35:51
Рік видання: 2022
Аннотація: The subject of the research there are theoretical foundations for the formation of the marketing
policy of agrarian enterprises. The purpose there is a study of the essence, role, directions of formation and implementation of marketing commodity policy of agrarian enterprises. Research methods. The work uses a dialectical method of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, a systematic approach, a method of comparing and summarizing data. Results of work. The article defines the essence, structure and features of marketing commodity policy of agrarian enterprises. The relationship between the economic efficiency of the sale of agricultural products and the management of the marketing commodity policy of agricultural enterprises has been established. The directions for the formation and implementation of the marketing commodity policy of agrarian enterprises have been determined. Field of application. Marketing. Conclusions. It was determined that the marketing of products of agricultural enterprises is somewhat more complicated than other types of marketing, which is due to the variety of means of its implementation, the transformation of the modern paradigm of agricultural marketing. An analysis of the overall product policy of the product policy of an agricultural enterprise was carried out, the components of which are the consumer value of agricultural products, the economic benefits of the agricultural producer from the production and sale of products, the characteristics of the trademark for certain types of agricultural products and their packaging, the effectiveness of the introduction of types of agricultural products into the markets, the indicators of the assortment and its balance from the standpoint of the life cycle of agricultural products. The research established that the objects for further planning of the product policy of agricultural enterprises are the analysis of marketing components of agricultural products and methods of analysis of the product portfolio, assortment and nomenclature of products of an agricultural enterprise.
Тип виданя: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Видавництво: Market relationship development in Ukraine. 2022. № 7-8. P. 87-92. DOI:
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