id: 19287
Назва: Determination of tne parameters of transporting and mixing feed mixtures along the curvilinear paths of tubular conveyors = Визначення параметрів процесу транспортув та змішування кормових сумішей на криволінійних трасах трубчатих конвеєрів(Web of Science)
Автори: Hevko R. B., Liubin M. V., Tokarchuk O. A., Lyashuk O. L., Pohrishchuk B. V., Klendii O. M.
Ключові слова: curvilinear path, tubular conveyor, feed mixture, transporting, mixing, scraper
Дата публікації: 2019-02-04 10:17:09
Останні зміни: 2019-02-04 10:17:09
Рік видання: 2018
Аннотація: The results of theoretical and experimental studies of simultaneous transporting and mixing the components of feed mixtures along the curvilinear paths of tubular conveyors are presented in this article. A mathematical model of the dependence of the change of elementary work performed while transporting the bulk material elementary mass along the curvilinear section is developed. Based on experimental researches, the technique of determining the technological parameters, which ensure the reduction of energy consumption while mixing bulk materials with the given quality of feed mixtures, is proposed. When considering the range of changes in the inner holes of the washers dh = 14…25 mm and the angles of their position to the horizon  = 30°…75°, the intensity of the material components passing-through and their consequent mixing increases with the increase of the value of the parameter dh and the reduction of the angle.
Тип виданя: Статті Scopus
Видавництво: INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering. 2018. Vol. 55, № 2. P. 97-104.
Розташовується в колекціях :
Ким внесений: Адміністратор
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