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id: 30590
Title: Efficacy of herbicides application in growing sorghum in the forest steppe of Ukraine.
Authors: Kolisnyk O.M., Mazur K.V.
Keywords: sorghum, variety, herbicide applying, weed infestation, yield.
Date of publication: 2022-01-28 08:45:18
Last changes: 2022-01-28 08:45:18
Year of publication: 2021
Summary: In recent years, due to the increasing aridity of the climate in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, the need to expand crops of drought- and heat-resistant crops has increased significantly. One of the crops suitable for such conditions is sorghum. However, in the technology of its cultivation there are some periods that require the greatest attention of farmers to ensure the formation of high and sustainable yields. And before that it concerns plant protection. Field experiments were conducted in the conditions of the research farm "Agronomichesky" of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University in 2021. The research sites are located in the zone of the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Studies have shown that in areas with chemical weed control, the highest yield of sorghum grain (4.04 t / ha) was provided by the application of the herbicide Peak at a dose of 20 g/ha, which is only 0.22 t/ha less than options with manual removal weeds. This indicates the creation of favorable conditions and weak phytotoxic effect of this drug on sorghum plants. When using the herbicide Prima, the best grain yield (3.56 t/ha) was when it was applied at a dose of 0.4 l/ha. Further increase in dose led to plant suppression and reduced sorghum grain productivity. When using Grantox, the optimal dose was 0.7 l/ha, which ensured the formation of grain yield of 3.61 t/ha. Increasing the dose of the herbicide led to the suppression of sorghum plants and a decrease in its grain productivity.
According to the research results, new and improved optimized agrotechnical measures for grain sorghum cultivation have been developed, which in the research zone contribute to the fuller realization of plant genetic potential, thus increasing yields while reducing production costs.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Сільське господарство та лісівництво. 2021. № 23. С. 216-225.
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Published by: Адміністратор
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