id: 35157
Title: Production of biofuels as a direction to ensure energy independence of Ukraine under martial law
Authors: Kupchuk I., Yemchyk T., Gontaruk Ya., Tarasova O., Shevchuk H., Okhota Yu.
Keywords: biogas, waste, energy resources, biodiesel, processing, biofuels, energy security
Date of publication: 2023-12-19 11:48:50
Last changes: 2023-12-19 11:48:50
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: Energy production from renewable resources is currently one of the main topics discussed both in Europe and around the world. While the prospects for the production of both bioethanol and biodiesel are controversial, and the costs of their production are significant, the number of biogas production enterprises in the EU has been steadily increasing in recent years. Bioenergetics defines the use of biomass energy, namely organic matter, which is formed by photosynthesis. "Green fuel" is sometimes called fuel that is made from plants, the raw material for obtaining which is biomass. However, the more bioenergy is discussed, the more the concept of "biofuel" means liquid biofuels, namely biodiesel, bioethanol, methanol, and forget about solid and gaseous ones, which include biogas, synthesis gas, household and agricultural waste, as well as residues from wood processing. Despite the significant scientific contribution of domestic and foreign authors to the solution of the mentioned problems, questions remain open regarding the definition of the essence, formation and implementation of biofuel production, which can be used for further research, that is, the transformation of external and internal possibilities aimed at the production of biofuels agribusiness enterprises. Therefore, we consider it necessary to reconsider the existing developments and developments, as well as to offer our vision of solving the above problems. The volume of gas oil consumption in the state and scientific approaches to stimulating the development of biodiesel production were studied. The volume of rapeseed production was studied and the inexpediency of exporting this crop and oil products in full was determined. The leading technologies of biodiesel production were studied and their economic feasibility was substantiated. It was established that the organization of biodiesel production on the basis of medium-sized agricultural enterprises will provide an opportunity to: maximally satisfy the needs of this sector of the economy in fuel for machinery; to ensure the development of related industries, including animal husbandry. It was determined that, based on today`s economic and social realities, the most rational is the creation of small processing enterprises with partial compensation for the cost of appropriate domestically produced equipment for the production of biodiesel. The directions for the development of biodiesel production as a way to ensure food security of Ukraine are defined, which consist in limiting the export of rapeseed, developing a model of public-private partnership in the field of improving the technologies of rapeseed cultivation and its further processing. It was determined that the most promising crops for the production of biofuels based on the available production potential are rapeseed, corn and switchgrass. The development of production technology based on an ecologically efficient approach will make it possible to increase the yield of these crops and their energy efficiency. It was determined that corn and rapeseed are potential bioenergy crops that can be used for the production of liquid biofuels. In order to increase the economic efficiency of growing these crops and reduce crop losses, it is necessary to improve the technological methods of growing, using the rationalization of work, new varieties (hybrids) of seeds with high resistance to adverse conditions and an integrated system of protection against pests and diseases. Also identified are the main obstacles to the development of biofuel production and potential ways of forming Ukraine`s energy independence. As a result of the study, it was established that pre-sowing tillage with rolling is an effective way to improve the yield of dry biomass and has a positive effect on the height of plants and the number of stalks of millet for both experimental varieties "Cave-in-rock" and "Sarthage". An increase in the linear diameters of the plant height and an increase in the density of planting contributes to an increase in productivity. These results can be useful for improving the technologies of growing millet and increasing the efficiency of agrobiomass production to meet the needs of the agro-industrial complex in fuel energy resources. It is important to take into account the influence of varietal characteristics on the height and number of plant stems, which ultimately are the main factors in yield formation. In addition, other factors must be considered, such as weather conditions and applied fertilizers, which also have an impact on biomass yield. According to the results of the research carried out on the basis of Agronomichne State Agricultural Research and Development Company, it can be concluded that the rapeseed hybrid "Persei" is better for use in the production technology of biodiesel fuel, compared to the hybrid "Lagonda". It was established that the "Persei" hybrid has the highest oil content when fertilizers are applied at the level of N188P98K188 with the sowing date from August 24 to September 4 and additional feeding with digestate. In addition, the analysis of the fatty acid composition of methyl esters of rapeseed oil produced from the seeds of the Perseus hybrid showed that the high content of methyl ester of oleic acid allows its use as biodiesel fuel. The value of the lower heat of combustion of methyl esters of rapeseed oil, made from the seeds of the hybrid "Persei", also confirms the high energy efficiency of this biofuel, compared to the hybrid "Lagonda". Studies have proven the prospects of using rod-shaped millet for the production of solid biofuel. A high yield of dry biomass and yield of solid fuel is observed when applying pre-sowing tillage with the use of 2 cultivations. The variety "Cave-in-rock" showed a higher energy value compared to the variety "Sarthage" and has a better yield of dry biomass. The monograph was written as part of the implementation of the state theme on the basis of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University Development of scientific and technical support of energy autonomy of agro-industrial complex on the basis of ecologically efficient use of agrobiomass for biofuel production. State registration number: 0122U000844.
Publication type: Монографії видані за кордоном
Publication: Monograph. Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2023. 102 p.
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