id: 9267
Title: The role of multinational companies in tourism
Authors: Voloshyna O.V., Zilinskiy D.V.
Keywords: Finally , saturated domestic markets , excess capacity ,
Date of publication: 2015-04-16 13:46:15
Last changes: 2015-04-16 13:46:15
Year of publication: 2015
Summary: Companies decide to «go global» for a number of reasons. Perhaps the most stimulating reason is to earn additional profits. Managers may feel that international sales will result in higher profit margins or more added-on profits. A second stimulus is that a firm may have a unique product or technological advantage not available to other international competitors. Such advantages should result in major business successes abroad. In other situations, management may have exclusive market information about foreign customers , marketplaces , or market situations not known to others
Publication type: Тези доповідей
Publication: Мова, культура та освіта: Тези доповідей та повідомлень науково-практичної конференції викладачів і студентів – Вінниця: ВНАУ,
In the collections : 2015 р./ Публікації співробітників у виданнях інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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